Our founders, Ken and Todd Luce, bring over twenty-five years of experience in collecting and evaluating public opinion, political and market data.

Ken Luce
Ken has a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from San Diego State University. He has over 19 years experience in call center management, data management, and CATI programming. He has over 8 years experience programming our current CATI system. Over Ken’s 19-year call center career, he has thrived in many roles, including conducting interviews, direct management of interviewers, upper management, and company executive. These experiences in different positions give him a unique understanding of all the various needs of call center management, allowing him to get the most of each of his employees.

Staff and Facilities
Luce Research is located in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado. We chose Colorado Springs because of its low cost, well-educated workforce. Our office is over 10,000 square feet allowing us room to expand as needed. We do not subscribe to the usual call center formula of huge phone rooms with 50 or more interviewers to a room. That creates that “boiler room” sound that instantly puts a respondent on guard. Instead, we break up our phone room into smaller pieces to dampen cross-talk.

Todd Luce
Todd has a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Statistics from San Diego State University. Mr. Luce specializes in survey research, complex data management protocols and assures that consistent data collection and quality control procedures are maintained for all research projects with over 14 years experience. He has extensive experience with advanced statistical methods, statistical programming, quantitative analysis and advanced weighting techniques. He is fluent in SPSS, SAS, R, S+ and Matlab and can use these tools to help solve any statistical or data manipulation problem the client may need. Mr. Luce is an active member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the American Statistical Association.
All projects undergo rigorous quality checks before leaving the Programming department. You will have the opportunity to review our work before a project is handed off to our Operations team for fielding. You always have the final say on when a project is ready to go!
Our Programming team uses a variety of software (including, but not limited to SPSS, Microsoft Office, FoxPro, and SQL) to retrieve, analyze, and present final data in your desired format.

Robert Wright
Director of Programming
Damone Grate

Tyler Schmidt
Lead Programmer
Asher Rowland
Intern Programmer
Laurence Seyb
Nacaio Shepard
Intern Programmer
We understand that your needs are ever-changing, but data quality must remain consistent. Operations quickly, professionally and meticulously deploys creative solutions to meet those challenges. Every project is assigned a project manager who is accountable and responsive while the project is underway. Your project manager proactively identifies and removes any obstacles to project success, communicating any project performance anomalies, and quickly implementing any adjustments necessary.
During live fielding, timely and fully transparent project reporting assures your project is on track. Our reporting portal contains a variety of tools to review your project’s performance — whether it’s quotas, top lines, sample disposition, interview durations, interviewer productivity, cross-tabs, or open-ends, or custom reporting, we can match the level of contact and control you desire in real time.

Christine Titus

Andrew Wheeler
Project Manager

Kristina Poe
Lead Point

Robert Dorrance
Project Director

Katherine Keefe
Project Manager

Constance Blissett
Victoria Necochea

Sharna Simpson
Aidan Lopez
Assistant Project Manager

Kathryn Halstead
Read More

Samantha Boy
Human Resources Director
Selena Gonazales
Recruiting Assistant

Jeffrey Bremmerman
Payroll Administrator
Breanna Ellington
Training Manager
Elias Heron
Assistant Trainer

Marielena Veiga
Hiring Manager

Kimberly Murray
Luce Research IT Services provide information technology leadership and support to the business. The IT department supports Luce Research by developing and maintaining the computing, communications, and information infrastructure. This infrastructure is a blend of cutting-edge technology to enhance security, increase availability and reduce cost which is passed on as direct savings to our clients! Our IT department maintains a broad and diverse portfolio of applications to support every facet of Luce Research operations.

Sean Wichers
Our Facility offers:
- 10,000 square feet
- 226 Interviewing Stations
- Centralized “Command Center” Management Station
- Dedicated departmental office spaces
- Fiber Optic Telecom CO Extension
- On-site Facilities Staff
- Access Control
- CCTV Monitoring
- Alarm System & Monitoring

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Luce Research, LLC
5086 List Drive
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80919
(719) 272-7200
(719) 272-3902